Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Congratulations Mom and Dad!
25 years of marriage and still going strong.
Love seems the swiftest, but it is the slowest of all growths. No man or woman really knows what perfect love is until they have been married a quarter of a century. Mark Twain

Successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. German Greer

And at last, from the oh SO famous The Princess Bride:
Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday. Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam... And wuv, tru wuv, will fowow you foweva... So tweasure your wuv.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Family and the Hulk

Ezra, Ezra, Ezra

Duane and Ezra... Ezra is the drooling monster.

Kids, they grow up so fast these days, hey!

The two monkeys.

Noam and the Hulk...
This weekend started off with a visit from some of my favorite people, ever. Dianna, Steve, Marc and Tara. They all spent the night Thursday, a stop over from Edmonton on the way to Vancouver. It was awesome to see them and catch up a little again. And, I finally got to meet some more of Duanes family this weekend. It was his nephew Noam's 3rd birthday on Friday, so we headed up to St.Albert for the celebrations. My nerves were unecessary as Duanes family accepted me with open arms. And he wasn't lying to me, his two nephews: Noam and Ezra are two of the cutest kids I have ever seen. It was absolutely great to spend two whole solid days with Duane, can't seem to get enough of this guy. I had a very low key weekend though, played a lot of Lego with Noam (Duanes birthday gift to him) and enjoyed seeing Ezra laugh at almost everything and anything. There was a lot of lazing around the house as well. Which was the perfect end for another rather stressful week at work, and the perfect start to an upcoming busy week. On Thursday I will be flying out to Chicago for business and will be spending 5 days preparing the showroom for the upcoming World Trade show: Neo Con. That's the excitement for the time being, that and I just finished talking to Emily... she was walking through the aiport with Josh. Safe and sound, and she sounded extremely happy to be home.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Sneak Peak

Here's a little sneak peak of the the weekend, camping in Kananaskis. It's true. It was wet and cold, then sunny, and then wet and cold all over again. So, I am not going to lie that it was not the greatest camping trip ever to have been on. But the whole lot of us made the best of it. I am now in camping mood... ready to go!
Best part of the weekend?
(Besides the mountains, campfires...and Saturday night run to the Hot Tubs...) Hanging out with this guy.

I think I'm going to be sick just remembering the gas caused by Nick eating this ENTIRE pot of rice. We were proud of our little Nick.

Priscilla, Meg and I. Happy... but so very, very cold!

Brian and Meg's fish: caught with
the famous words "here fishy fishy fishy."

Pam, just hanging around.

Every time I see this guy, he's doing dishes... a catch indeed!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Camping is good jah?

I don't think that Friday afternoon can come soon enough! (Not that I'm one that lives for the weekends... I also enjoy my week days...) But honestly, I can't wait to get out of this crazy city. Priscilla and I took an early road trip out to Kananaskis this evening to snag some awesome spots at Lower Lake campground. I am very proud of our findings, and even more proud that the weekend actually seems to be coming together. Now, if I can relax for a couple days and refrain from going all Hitler dictator like on everyone... life will be swell. I really appreciate all the work that Priscilla has been putting into this weekend, keeping everyone in the loop and all. And between her laughing at my really bad jokes and us just generally being altogether immature... the short trip was indeed sweet. A great start, as I eagerly now wait for Friday night to arrive. I must say... a part of me will remain at Kikkomen (sp??) as there truly is none other that can compare to the amazing memories made there over the years. But I do hope to make some new ones this weekend with my the new gang. So... Happy long weekend!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Trains and planes and automobiles

This past weekend I went to Lethbridge for a quick visit for Mothers day. I love getting to see this little guy (and the big guy, Reuben, too) when I'm at home. Although he's probably one of the cutest kids I've ever seen, Michael can be quite demanding... like insisting the train fill up with gas for 5 minutes before we were allowed to keep pressing on down the track. I guess being two, you can make these sorts of conditions on games. But I honestly love this kid.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Dutch Blitz

This one goes out to Nicole... who walked all over me last night in a game of Dutch Blitz with Leah. And she isn't even Dutch. Some things just weren't meant to be I guess... such as me having the ability of eye and hand coordination. Kudos to Nicole. The German.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Oh, yes.

The Travelling Nurse

Emily is headed off to Africa! She'll be joining a team of other nursing students from Trinty Western University in Zambia. I hardly get to see Emily in a month let alone in 3 and something weeks, but it feels like forever with her so very far away. Please keep my little sister (who is definately NOT little anymore... might be more grown up than me!) in your prayers this month. I LOVE YOU EMILY.

Weekend Bliss

Kelsey: lookin' all pro...
Me: lookin' kinda rediculous!

Priscilla: this is her most serious of all serious faces.

Duane: pretty much showed all of us up.
I honestly love weekends, especially those that are busy... hanging out with friends and especially when we can be in the sun. Yesterday a bunch of us went and checked out Spidey3... and I've got say: I was so not a fan. There were several instances during the movie where Duane and I would like at each other as if to say... are they serious? Sooo corny, soo predictable. I mean, sure it was entertaining, but in my opinion, they really bit the bullet with this one. Anyways, afterwards we grabbed some food and played a couple rounds of pool. Let's just say, pool is not one of my strong talents. In fact, I think while the guys were busy picking out songs, Priscilla and I attempted to break about 5 times. Each attempt fell short of actually separating the balls. Never the less, we enjoyed ourselves, the ultimate object of the game.
Today was just glorious though, I am loving this amazing weather. We (the young adults from my church) all ate our lunch outside. The youth group was serving soup and buns as a fundraiser for a mission trip. After we are all done eating, the guys (sometimes I'm not sure how old they really are) starting roughing each other up a bit. They didn't see the cop car coming down the street and kept on wrestling. It was very amusing when the cop pulled over to make sure nothing serious was going on, we asked if he could take a couple of them off our hands. They seriously didn't believe us though when we first told them the cop was coming. I am thinking we could have had a little more fun with that one if we had been a bit quicker.

After that we all bought a couple buckets of balls at the driving range and had at her. Just like pool... golf, not really me. I love hitting that ball, it just never goes as far as I would like it to. I know I must have the most outrageous stance. I'll have to work on that. But the best part of the day was when we played some beach volleyball at Millenium park this afternoon. We could not have asked for better weather, it was just perfect being out in the sun. Luckily, volleyball I can play, and LOVE. So, despite the pound of sand that I took home in my pants, it was an awesome day hanging out. One thing I find very amusing about the past couple days is finding out about all these hidden talents of Duanes. He's the sort of guy that doesn't like to compete at anything, but seems to be good at everything. Which as you might know, makes me oober jealous. Or, I should just enjoy the fact that I don't have to worry about showing up my own boyfriend at everything. But, as you can well imagine, I'll be (not so) secretly on the search for something!

Erika & Kevin

Friday afternoon, usually sitting in traffic waiting to get home. This weekend, I took the drive out to Three Hills to meet up with Steph, we were off to Erika and Kevin's wedding. It was such a beautiful night, Erika looking stunning, and you could not stop either of them from smiling. All together the night was amazing, and it was so good hanging out with Steph. We rented a room in Three Hills where the reception was held, so it was a very relaxing night for the both of us. I got to meet one of Erika and Steph's friends from Trinity Western, Dave, and the three of us had a blast sitting together at the reception.

Erika, congratulations, your are finally married!! We will most definately miss you here, but I wish you and Kevin all the best!

John Mayer Saturday

So... these pictures are only a week late. Forgive me. Too many things are going on, but that means enjoyable things. I tend too get caught up in it all and hence this little site being neglected. It's usually a good sign when I don't write, promise. But here are some pics from the John Mayer concert in Edmonton last weekend. We had such an awesome day, shopping and relaxing. The best part, of corse, was the concert. John Mayer was so, so, very enjoyable. I definately appreciate his stuff so much more after having seen him live. I was much impressed. And the other shot... that's Leah and I entertaining ourselves. An easy thing to do.
And a little treat on the side? I went and visited Dianna for a couple minutes while we were out doing some shopping, it has been much to long since I've seen that girl. But it was short and very sweet!