Sunday, May 6, 2007

John Mayer Saturday

So... these pictures are only a week late. Forgive me. Too many things are going on, but that means enjoyable things. I tend too get caught up in it all and hence this little site being neglected. It's usually a good sign when I don't write, promise. But here are some pics from the John Mayer concert in Edmonton last weekend. We had such an awesome day, shopping and relaxing. The best part, of corse, was the concert. John Mayer was so, so, very enjoyable. I definately appreciate his stuff so much more after having seen him live. I was much impressed. And the other shot... that's Leah and I entertaining ourselves. An easy thing to do.
And a little treat on the side? I went and visited Dianna for a couple minutes while we were out doing some shopping, it has been much to long since I've seen that girl. But it was short and very sweet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.