Thursday, December 7, 2006

Painting Party

Is it really a party when there is work involved?? My friend Dan had a bunch of us over to help paint the basement in his new place. I have to tell you, it was a little discouraging to paint. We were just covering over every surface imaginable... including velvet wall paper. As you can imagine, every fiber of my being was screaming "this is sooo wrong" But Dan just wanted it all covered up, so cover it all up we did. After painting, Dan treated us to beer and pizza. The tree... well that was the product of Dan's creative juices flowing. Not quite my idea of a dream tree, but he got all too excited over the blinking coloured lights. Is it better to have no tree then a plant decked in holiday cheer??
This picture has been deleted as per Nicole's request... and I'm thanking myself as well. As per my previous comment... it was really not a good picture. I hope you will forgive me Nicole!!

Yummm... Indian food. For some reason it looked like a good idea, until after I ate too much. And now I don't feel so good. But, as always, the company was grand. Isn't Perry a great photographer? I mean, I don't think Nicole and I have ever looked better than on this day!