Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Sunshine Boy

My Super Amazing Snowboard Instructor (a.k.a. Rodd!)


I'm not sure how many of you are aware of what's going on with my dad, so I think it's about time I fill you in. Yesterday my dad went into open heart surgery at the Foothills to repair one of his valves. Thankfully my boss gave me the day off(which turned into two), so I could be with my family before, during and after surgery.
We were all very nervous, and my dad even mentioned dreaming about how he could get out of it. But I am proud to say that he went through with it and now is doing so well. They were able to repair the valve and didn't need to replace it, which is awesome news. When my dad was finally awake after being sedated for awhile, he had a huge smile on his face when he saw us. I will admit that seeing my big, strong dad laying in the ICU, unresponsive with tubes coming out of everywhere... was the hardest thing I've yet to go through in my life. And being the emotional girl I am, I had a hard time seeing him like that. After I held his hand for a while, I was assured that this was my dad and that he was still big and strong.
Today Emily, my mom and I went to see him a couple more times. It's really hard to visit with him while he's still in the ICU, so hopefully they will move him to his own room tonight. But he's got a long ways to go before he's recovered. I am so thankful that he's here in Calgary so I can go and see him, and still somewhat function with everyday life. Although, not a minute goes by right now where I am not thinking of my dad laying in the hospital. Today I asked him if he had walked at all yet. He half mumbled to me while his eyes remained closed, "I walked plenty, I walked all the way from my bed to this chair. That's a long way." Sure dad! But it's awesome to see him have a sense of humour in all of this.
So, thanks to all for your prayers for my dad and my family. It really is appreciated, and I could not thank you enough for the support here as well. I'll be sure to keep you posted on his recovery.