Thursday, November 23, 2006

Sunshine Valley

1 comment:

Janneka said...

I just tried to post a comment and it didn't seem to work so maybe you're getting two from me that say basically the same thing?
Anyways- it is so lovely to hear from home and from church. Sometimes I feel insanely disconnected from the rest of the world, and from all the 'lives' I had at home like church and school and work friends.
I hear young adults is going awesome this year. I am so happy for you guys!
I LOVE this picture because it reminds me of a day where I wasn't baking 24/7 in this Aussie heat! Ah I would love to go snowboarding again :)
Say hi to everyone at young adults for me... and do you have my email? Send me your email address? And also- how did you find my blogsite?
God's blessings- Janneka